Conte (résumé en anglais) qui reflète l'esprit de ce blog. Jean le chanceux est un conte des frères Grimm. La version française est disponible ici:
Le conte également en version
audio sur le blog d'Aldor.
Hans worked hard for seven years but wishes to return to see his poor mother. His master pays him his wages which amounts to a lump of gold the size of his head. Hans puts the gold in handkerchief and starts out on his journey jogging but soon becomes tired. He spots a rider on horse back and seeing the ease at which the horse travels he offers to exchange his lump of gold for the horse. Happy with the exchange the man gives him the horse and Hans rides off.
The horse bolts and Hans is thrown from the animal. Where upon he meets a shepherd who convinces Hans to swap his horse for a cow. Telling Hans that a cow can provide milk, cheese and butter and is of more leisurely company. Hans takes up the offer and takes the cow and continues on with his journey only to find that the cow is dry and not producing milk as he had been told.
Disgruntled with the cow, Hans meets a butcher who he exchanges his cow for pig. Thanking the butcher for the pig Hans setting off jogging again, hopeful he has know found an ideal travel companion. Alas, Hans meets a countryman who informs him that the pig is owned by the squire and he is in danger of being caught for taking the squire's pig. Hans takes the countryman's goose in exchange for his pig, happy that it will provide a good roast and a supply of goose fat.
At the next village Hans sees a scissor-grinder and explains his story to him. The scissor-grinder offers him a grindstone for his goose arguing that a grindstone will provide a source of income. Hans happily exchanges the goose for the grindstone. He continues on his way, but is tired by the grindstone and is short of money for food.
Hans stops for a drink on the banks of a river, the grindstone falls into the deep water and is lost. Hans is happy to be rid of the heavy grindstone and being free of all troubles. He walks on to his mother's house and recounts his lucky tale.