lundi 28 mars 2011

doing something

Do you sometime have the feeling you need more time?  Would you rather do nothing instead of working all the time?

I might not have this feeling right now, but when I think of my roommate, I can't stop myself to think: Thank God, I'm doing something with my life!  And even if I don't do much, I have the feeling I'm busy.

Why I told you that?  To remind you that it's often better to have the feeling we are overwhelmed than the feeling we are doing nothing.

jeudi 24 mars 2011

The writing machine

Some time, internet could be a real obtacle when you are working home. You want to read the news, check the weather, watch a video online, play a quick game, check if there's nothing new in the news, read an article, google the name of the author...
But, there's also a blog.  A blog that you put as home page.  The blog of your friend who remind you to go back to work and write.

Because you are a WRITING MACHINE.

samedi 12 mars 2011

L'attention en classe

Cette semaine, un élève me dit tout simplement : tu as des boutons.

Irrespect?  Non, seulement cela prouve qu'il porte attention à quelque chose à défaut d'écouter ce que je dis.  Comme quoi le visuel passe souvent en premier.

dimanche 6 mars 2011

Your challenge this week:

For this week, I want to challenge you.  Everytime you go out, you have to find someone who is smiling and put a smile on your face too (maybe even smile to this person).  Good luck!

J'ai envie de vous mettre au défi cette semaine.  Chaque fois que vous sortirez, remarquez quelqu'un qui sourit et souriez à votre tour.  Attention, il faut voir un sourire avant de se mettre à sourire soi-même!  Bonne chance et n'hésitez pas à raconter vos expériences.